Events Calendar

The Mass - Bishop Barron's Video Presentation
Monday, April 08, 2019, 07:00pm - 08:30pm

You will have the opportunity to walk through the Mass with Bishop Barron and be transformed through his insights on this most privileged encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ.  Come and see how The Mass can help us understand how to fully, consciously, and actively participate in the liturgy, the source, and summit of the Christian life.

Video Presentation / Discussion

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Marvin Hall

on the following Mondays

April 1 - God Speaks Our Story

April 8 - Responding to God

May 6 - Preparing for Sacrifice

May 13 - The Real Presence Creates Communion

Discussions following the videos will be facilitated by Deacon Jim Means and Joanne Sanders, Director of Worship and Christian Initiation.  While we hope you can join us for all these evenings, attendance at all is not required.


News & Announcements

Office Hours

Administrative Staff Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:  9:00am - 4:00pm

Wednesday: 9:00am-1:00pm

Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm


Hours for Pastoral Staff vary by the day, program, and activities scheduled

ssist us in opening up our church for community worship.