Events Calendar

Communal Reconciliation
Monday, March 30, 2020, 07:00pm

On Monday evening, March 30, we will host a Communal Reconciliation Service at 7:00 p.m. in the church. This rite, as it is given to us by the church, calls for gathering, a liturgy of the Word, the individual confessions of those who are present, as well as a concluding prayer, blessing, and dismissal. While the complete celebration of the rite may take a little longer and run contrary to the fast pace of contemporary life, it also offers us the opportunity to reflect, pray and slow down a bit. In fact, this is what we are called to do throughout the Lenten season. It is also healthy for us to admit in the presence of one another that we are sinners - that we share a common sinful condition before God - that the wrong we do impacts each other’s lives.


In order to make our celebration a positive experience for all who gather, it would be helpful to keep the following in mind. Come prepared by taking time to reflect upon what in your life needs healing. Focusing on one or two areas of concern can be far more productive than a lengthy recitation, sometimes likened to a “laundry list.” It should be also noted that communal reconciliation is not the best time for in-depth discussion or counseling. If you would like more time than a communal celebration will permit, come any Saturday between 3:00 and 3:30 pm or call the Pastoral Center to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Location : Church