Events Calendar

Scripture Study - Acts of the Apostles
Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 10:00am - 12:00pm

St. Jerome stated:  “ Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ!”


Let us cherish our Faith and seize the following opportunity to learn during this Autumn season.

0n Wednesday, September 12, 10:00 AM-NOON, Resurrection begins its 22nd year of a Fall Semester of Bible Study.

Be sure to watch for the display in the narthex hallway and seriously plan to participate in this brilliant book of the New Testament-often considered to be the continuation of Luke’s Gospel telling the story of the development of the early Church.

We again welcome to the Study our friends from St. Mary’s Parish, West Chicago. The daytime study is good for all who prefer daylight travel and for folk who are free to participate. Plan for adventures in faith-sharing and friendship. People of all ages and denominations are invited to attend.

Registration forms and instructions for the Study will soon be at the Bible Study display on the narthex table. We anticipate your curiosity, enthusiasm, and your devotion to God’s Word!

Come and learn with us!

Location : Cornelius Hall
Barbara Miller: ( 630) 584-1293, Resurrection.

Joella & Ray Billapando: (630) 231-8742, St. Mary’s Representatives.